Dear readers of Drawing High, I owe you an apology. I must apologize for my desertion of you and this blog and for my lack of faithfulness to you and this blog. And I most definitely must apologize for my neglect of the monumentally important task and responsibility of delivering a daily word of encouragement, strength, and guidance to those of you who had grown accustomed to receiving one when you logged on to our site. Not only do I apologize to you but I also stand before my God and repent and ask for forgiveness for my actions. And this day, Sunday March, 22nd 2020 I vow to you, the readers of Drawing Nigh, in the presence of our God that I will never neglect my duties again. And I'm not asking anyone to simply believe the words I'm saying, what I am asking for is an opportunity to prove to you the truthfulness and sincerity behind the words I'm speaking. So, I pray that those of you who read this can accept my apology and that one day I will have proven myself to be worthy of your trust and worthy of the privilege of speaking the word of God in to your lives. Brothers and Sisters in Christ I thank you for your time. I love you all, God Bless.
Elder Christopher Paul McLaurin.